Beyond ACE 3

While I'm waiting for the ACE3 board to comeback I thought I'd have a look at my plans for ACE4. This should include pageable RAM, the costs of RAM mean it is more expensive to fit the small RAM chips than go for a bigger one. While the Z180 has a fully-fledged MMU which can address up to 1 megabyte and map it, I'm going for something a bit simpler and that is to have the top 8k pageable. The circuit above is my current thinking. It should work as follows. For the bottom 56k, the #PAGED8K line should be high, this will force chip Z106, a SN74AHCT541N , active, which will put the normal A13, A14 and A15 address lines on to the memory chip bus(MA) while pulling MA16-20 low, thereby addressing the bottom 56k directly. If however #PAGED8K is low the chip Z105, a SN74AHCT574N , will be active and it will place on lines MA13-20 the data previously written to the chip, this will mean that any of the memory in the RAM chip can be accessed via this 8k block even that mapped to...