While I would like to get some boards made the main thrust of this that people can do it all themselves. I've been using JLCPCB to get my boards made, though there are several other manufacturers that will do the same job.
To get the first boards for ACE2NOKB I used Eagle CAD and it cost me £7.44 for 5 boards, delivery is extra but should be less the £6. The boards seem to be good quality and this has been confirmed by other more experienced engineers than I. The process of ordering using KiCad is very simple, simply use the function to create Gerber files, then Zip them up and upload them. It is all described on the site. One other site I found allowed the upload of just the kicad_pcb file.
There are several mistakes with tat board ost noticeably that I forgot to distribute the smoothing capacitors, others include the wrong pin ordering on a transistor and some very strange placements. The current version of ACE2NOKB for KiCAD has those problems fixed and has a single transistor amp to get the composite signal up to power and a resistor to allow an 8 Ω speaker to be used.


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