V0.1 is here.

The updated boards have arrived together with some other bits and pieces and I have learnt an important lesson. When ordering stuff from China do not go over £15 mark or you get charged VAT, which is not to bad at only £3.24 but it is a pain to pay Royal Mail £8 for the pleasure of collecting it. The £15 is for the goods only the transport costs do not count.

Also, this arrived, which may be the greatest thing ever. It is a heated solder pump and it works spectacularly well. The old components can be removed easily without multiple attempts to get all the solder from each pin, frantically changing from iron to pump before the solder freezes. The boards look almost as good as new in the end.

I've now got to desolder the old board but almost looking forward to it.

I also started a side project recreating the schematics for the NewBrain on GitHub https://github.com/flypie/NewBrain it is a lot more complex than the Ace and the documentation is far worse, it will fill in the pause when I'm waiting for PCBs back.


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