I finally got a version up with the KIO working. This is not using the ACE ROM yet but a rather hacked to gether bit of test code.
The CTC is being used to generate the 50Hz interupt and drive the 4 flashing charters on the right and the real time clock. The PIO is flahing the LED, whilst the SIO is handling the comms to the PC.
There is still a bit of instability in the comms resulting in the MSB being high and the off spurious extra interupt.
On the circuit board is the odd patch wire but I have ordered boards with these patches built in. I'm not sure how to set up the comms. I think I can interface directly to a KeyBoard with no extra hardware but I migt putin an STM8 and communiate with that and let that do the grunt work for the kayboard interface.

 I will up load the testrom source soon, just as soon as I can face git hub.




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